Redemption Welcome

Take the first step towards getting connected here at Redemption Red Deer. Redemption Welcome is an opportunity to meet our leadership, learn about the history and values of our church, and ask any questions you may have.

View the Events Calendar for the next Redemption Welcome.

Redemption Essentials

Learn what it means to live the Redemption Life: Abide in Christ, Grow in the Church, and Reach the Community. This class outlines discipleship at Redemption Church and is the next step toward membership.

View the Events Calendar for the Next Redemption Essential class.


Interested in getting baptized?

We are excited to hear of your interest in baptism and sharing publicly your faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. It is our prayer that this would be a memorable time in your walk with Christ.

Your testimony and baptism will be an encouragement to our church family as you share your story of when and how you came to know Jesus. We pray this step of obedience will “drive a stake in the ground” in your walk with Christ.

Below is the form for Baptism. Once your form is received, an Elder will reach out to discuss your testimony, walk through the process of baptism, and answer any questions you may have about being baptized.

Baptism Form


After completing Redemption Essentials, any person professing personal faith in Jesus Christ and who has expressed that commitment visibly through Baptism should indicate their desire to become a member by completing the Membership Application (link below). After you complete the application, your next step will be coffee with an Elder. Then your name is presented before the congregation for three weeks. After this time you will be welcomed as a member of Redemption Church Red Deer.

Membership Application