
Why We Sing

Redemption Church is committed to lifting high the name of Jesus through worship. (John 4:24)

The chief purpose of mankind is to glorify God by loving Him with the entire heart, soul, mind and might (Deuteronomy 6:5Isaiah 43:7Matthew 22:37). All believing men, women and children are to glorify God and thus fulfill the purpose of their existence. Worship glorifies God through adoration (Psalm 95:6), praise (Psalm 99:5), prayer (Daniel 6:10-11), thanksgiving (Nehemiah 12:46) and a complete yielding to Him (Romans 12:1). Worship declares His worth, pays Him homage and celebrates Him in a life of devotion. We seek to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth (Exodus 15:1-212 Samuel 6:14-16Psalm 5:7John 4:23-24Revelation 4:115:12). Several tenets guide our worship. We seek to:

What We Sing

The playlist is updated regularly to reflect the songs we are singing at Redemption Church Red Deer.

Worship Team Application

If you are interested in serving on the worship team or in the area of audio and visual, you are invited to fill out the application in the link below.